Horoscope is an astrological chart or diagram representing the positions of Sun, Moon, other Planets, astrological aspects and sensitive angles at the time of an event, such as the moment of a child’s birth. In order to get your horoscope, kindly fill up all the details in the given form. Fee is applicable.
Match making (Gun Melan) with horoscopes (‘Kundali ’) is an essential part in an Indian marriage. In order to accomplish the process of marriage in a successful way, it is necessary that all the yardsticks set for an ideal horoscope matching are precisely met by the birth charts of the individuals, agreed to marry each other.
It can reveal the major details regarding the natures of the individuals, affection, characteristic features, social communication, etc. The preparation of ‘Gun Melan’ report is done after taking references from constellation (‘Nakshatra’) of bride as well as bridegroom. In the traditional marriages, the importance of ‘Gun Melan’ can’t be overlooked under any circumstances.
The matching of horoscopes determines various factors of a successful married life. With a successful matching, the life partners will get bestowed with long life, luck in decision makings, improved finance, better mutual affection, health, harmony, sexual compatibility, etc. Fee is applicable.